You can apply for a direct road-building permit via

Last update

You are a private individual or a legal person and you plan to:

  • carry out works next to a state road in Luxembourg; or
  • set up a billboard to:
    • announce an event;
    • promote and sell real estate;
    • promote a business?

To do so, you will need to apply for authorisation from the National Roads Administration (Administration des ponts et chaussées). Depending on the type of application, this may be:

  • a ministerial road-building permit which is granted by the Minister for Mobility and Public Works; or
  • a direct road-building permit which is granted directly by the competent regional agent of the National Roads Administration.

In order to facilitate access to the procedure, the application for a direct road-building permit, including applications for the installation of a billboard, can be submitted online via

This online procedure requires authentication with a LuxTrust product or an electronic identity card (eID).

It is still possible to submit the application on a paper form which must be sent to the competent service by post. To find out more, please see our explanatory information page: 'Applying for a road-building permit for billboards or banners'.

More information on the practical details can be found in our information pages on: