Information pages on the national elections are now available in easy-to-read language

Last update

There are 2 new information pages (in French and German only) about the national elections in easy-to-read language on
The national elections take place on 8 October 2023.

The information page 'Infos sur les élections nationales' provides information about:

  • The national elections;
  • When do the national elections take place?
  • Who can vote?

The information page 'Vote par courrier pour les élections nationales' provides information about:

  • When must you apply for postal voting?
  • How to apply for postal voting?
  • The communal administration accepts or rejects your application
  • How does postal voting work?
  • What is the deadline for casting your vote by post? has produced the easy-to-read pages in collaboration with Klaro.
Klaro is responsible for easy-to-read documents.
Klaro is a service managed by the Association pour personnes en situation de handicap (APEMH - association for persons with disabilities).

Links to easy-to-read texts on (in French and/or German only):

Infos sur les élections nationales au Luxembourg

Le vote par courrier pour les élections nationales