Two new types of special leave and extension of paternity leave

Last update

Anyone with an employment contract can now benefit from 2 new types of special leave:

  • caregiver leave; and
  • leave for reasons of force majeure.

Caregiver leave is a special 5-day leave granted to you to provide personal care or assistance to a member of your family or to a person living in your household.

The leave for reasons of force majeure is a special 1-day leave granted over a 12-month employment period for urgent family reasons, such as illness or accident that makes your immediate presence indispensable.

50% of the cost of these special types of leave is covered by the State. Employers are required submit their request for reimbursement to the Ministry of Labour via or the mobile application.

Moreover, paternity leave has been extended to self-employed workers and to the second equivalent parent in a same-sex couple.

All information relating to these new types of leave and to the paternity leave is available in our explanatory information pages: