Launch of the 'Zesumme vereinfachen' online participation platform

Last update

The Ministry for Digitalisation now offers everyone the opportunity to get directly involved in administrative simplification.

To this end, it makes available a dedicated participation platform:

On this platform, you can:

  • follow ongoing participation projects each step of the way;
  • submit ideas or proposals for simplification and/or complement those of other users;
  • participate in polls and votes;
  • prioritise initiatives;
  • register for online or face-to-face participatory workshops.

Currently, 2 participation projects are available:

  • the 1st offers and users the opportunity to submit simplification proposals concerning the procedures presented on these 2 platforms; and
  • the 2nd concerns the mobile application and calls on users to evaluate the application.

To this end, a direct link has been added to all pages to guide interested persons to the participation platform.

Would you like to participate? You can do so in any of the 4 languages of the platform: French, German, English and Luxembourgish.