Forestry ecosystem services: new subsidy available

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Are you a private owner of forest land in Luxembourg which is managed according to nature-oriented forestry principles? If so, you are eligible to apply for the new "Klimabonusbësch" subsidy for the provision of ecosystem services in forests, whose aim is the:

  • adaptation to the effects of climate change;
  • resilience of the forest ecosystem.

It aims to support private forest owners to participate in measures to promote climate action by implementing nature-friendly forestry.

The ultimate goal is to preserve the many services provided by forest ecosystems to society, namely:

  • soil protection;
  • water and air filtration;
  • the preservation of biodiversity and a recreational or even ecological tourism environment;
  • carbon dioxide (CO2) capture and storage;
  • the supply of natural products.

Applications for the subsidy for the year 2021 must be submitted to the Nature and Forest Agency before 1 October 2021.

For details of how to apply for this subsidy, please see our explanatory information page on the subject.