The Cité de la sécurité sociale opens its doors

Last update

From 5 June 2023, the social security institutions and administrations will move into the new Cité de la sécurité sociale at 4, rue Mercier in Luxembourg-Gare, where they will welcome insured citizens. It replaces the old building in Hollerich.

This move concerns:

  • the State Office for Assessment and Monitoring of the long-term care insurance (AEC);
  • the Social Security Medical Board (CMSS);
  • the National Health Fund (CNS);
  • the Joint Social Security Centre (CCSS); and
  • to the Accident Insurance Association (AAA):

The new premises offer more welcoming reception desks and a 220-seat waiting room. Thanks to its proximity to the train station and the upcoming construction of parking spaces for people with reduced mobility, accessibility has been improved.

Telephone numbers remain unchanged, except for the CMSS, whose number has been changed to (+352) 247-67500.

Postal addresses remain unchanged.

  • AEC: L-2974 Luxembourg
  • CMSS: B.P. 1342 L-1013 Luxembourg
  • CNS: L-2980 Luxembourg
  • CCSS: L-2975 Luxembourg
  • AAA: L-2976 Luxembourg

For further information, visit the Cité de la sécurité sociale website.