Doctors, pharmacists, psychotherapists: submit your application for authorisation to practise via

Last update

Do you wish to settle and practise your profession in Luxembourg, be it as a:

  • general practitioner / medical specialist; or
  • dental practitioner / specialised dentist; or
  • veterinary surgeon; or
  • pharmacist; or
  • psychotherapist?

You must first meet certain conditions (diploma, language skills, etc.) and obtain a prior authorisation to practise issued by the Ministry of Health and Social Security.

The application for authorisation to practise or renewal of authorisation to practise can now be made online via

It is also possible to submit your application by post.

Your application must be accompanied by various supporting documents such as a copy of your identity document, an extract from the criminal record or a copy of your diploma.

Note: professionals practising without authorisation are liable to imprisonment and a fine.

The online procedure is also available for other regulated health professions (nurse, health care assistant, osteopath, etc.).

To know the conditions to be fulfilled as well as the details of this new online procedure, consult our following dedicated texts: