Fit 4 Sustainability programme

Last update

The support and co-financing programme Fit 4 Sustainability offers interested companies the opportunity to have an environmental impact assessment of their activities carried out. This assessment will be completed by recommendations to reduce the environmental impact.

The programme is divided into 2 phases: diagnostic and implementation.

The 1st phase lasts a maximum of 6 months and takes stock of the company's situation, particularly with regard to:

  • decarbonisation (carbon footprint, energy audit);
  • water (consumption, wastewater pollution);
  • circularity (product life cycle assessment);

The 2nd phase allows the company to decide to implement the recommendations from the diagnostic phase.

Interested companies can express their interest in participating in the programme by registering on the Luxinnovation platform. Following a pre-analysis of their needs, Luxinnovation will put them in contact with the appropriate consultant(s).

The application for co-financing of the costs of the assessment conducted by the consultant(s) during the programme's diagnostic phase must be submitted using the online assistant available on and a LuxTrust certificate or an eID.

For more information, please consult our explanatory information page.